Labels:book | chat room | hakham | sky | web site OCR: Sketcher/D esign Studio Design Studio: Achieve professional page design and I layout in all your Productinfo you publications, choose. Use combining grids text, guidelines illustrations or free and form layouts I photographs add I in Pantone any way colour to text and graphios; print to QuickDr aw pue Pos stScript printers Control I typography with powerful stylest heets Jor effortless accuracu Add rules pue borders create graphios import drawn or scanned Instal Demo images and let text flow round them autom atically Sketcher: grays cale paint application that simulates the tools and textures of natural media Charcoals really smudge, pens really shade pencils and chalk respond to the 'paper' grain Image- editing oper ations Purchase include sharpen, soften, distort, flip and r rotate You c ...